
We carve out creative spaces that are functional, while making sure we follow budget and timelines. Understanding the client needs and implementing them through mindful design is our favorite piece to the puzzle.

Design can take on many forms, for us, our main focus of design is commercial and residential spaces. Interior design works hand and hand with space planning and the architecture of the building. Here at Relay Shop, we are passionate about holistic project approach that identifies obstacles and opportunities to empower people and better serve clients.

Design service also include the following:

  • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment
    FF&E makes the space function. We work with the owner to select furniture systems that will achieve a collaborative working space. Fixture selections and equipment are necessities in any project, we strive to specify energy conscience products that are locally serviceable.
  • Lighting Design. Lighting is the cornerstone of design. Not just the fixtures but the function of the space it serves. The color and tone of light will define how the space makes you feel. Light begins with setting the mood.
  • Art Consultation. Living in a very artistic community, we have many resources for local as well as regional art. Mediums such as photography, paintings, ceramics, sculpture, metal and wood can all be introduced to your project. If you can dream it, we can build it.